Although maize flour milling machine in the feed field has a certain application, however, we can not give full play to the value of feed utilization. Compared with foreign maize flour milling machine, our country in the feed processing is still relatively backward. This is mainly due to the efforts to promote China's maize milling machine is not enough, not fully exploit the high value of maize.
Thus, the domestic maize flour milling machine to continuously improve the processing technology and improve the profits of maize as feed. In general, the processing of maize grits and maize flour can be used to sell, while the remaining bran can be used to culture, this will give full play to the value of maize flour milling machine utilization, and increase the value of maize as feed.
In summary, the use of the value of China's maize flour milling machine is not high in animal feed, this requires maize milling machine actively introducing foreign production technology, and improve the processing performance of maize flour milling machine.